Life in the Round

Not much chance of a blip today, as there was thick fog in the morning as I drove to a U3A meeting in Perth.  It was a class called Technology for All and, rather ironically, I was supposed to be joining a sub-group to help with new iPad users.  As my iPad is still dead as a Dodo, I joined the Android group instead:-)

In the afternoon, I called Apple to find out what was happening about my iPad repair (promised in an earlier phone call).  They were going to send packaging so that I could return it for repair or replacement, but it hadn't arrived.  To cut a long and frustrating story short, to get it fixed it has to be taken to my nearest Apple store i.e. Edinburgh.  So back to square one!  Grrrrr:-(

Pointed my camera at the bird feeder and managed to catch this acrobatic blue tit just hanging around on the peanuts.  Must get that feeder cleaned up:-)

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