Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

What more snow?

I think we will get a big thaw tonight so my week of snowy Blips will come to an end tomorrow!

Sarah and I decided to go looking for snowy vistas, so we headed up Holme Moss. I was surprised it was open but the snow lights were off so I went for it. It was blocked virtually at the top by a snow plough; now if you've ever driven up Holme Moss you will appreciate that is not the ideal place to turn around - let alone with snow blocking half the road. But one 15 point turn later I made it. Phew.

We then headed up to Greenfield, but it was bleak up there and blowing a hoolie so we turned around again.This was taken heading back towards Holmfirth, somewhere above Digley. It's straight out of the camera (apart from a crop) but I couldn't resist faffing, so the faffed about version is here.

We spent most of the journey singing Disney songs and debating which is the best one ever. Plenty of contenders but one winner shoobeededoobeedoobee.

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