A Blip Meet on the River

I met creativelenna on Blip last year, but had never met her in person. And, this week, (also on Blip) I got to meet her husband Steve. But today, I got to meet them both. In person, in the flesh, on the river.

Steve works at Lucas Boatworks. While there are no boats pictured here, Steve did make the oars and paddles that they are standing next to. Beautiful work, and so so light.

I was a little worried before we met up. My daughter asked..."Let me get this straight...you're meeting up with a guy with the nickname Crazy Steve...and he lives in a van down by the river (Chris Farley)?"

"No, no, no! He lives in a house on the river, and he works at a place on the river. But, yes, he is called Crazy Steve."

We picked Lenna up in a little beauty of a boat called the Helen Marie, made by the owner Dave Lucas, and named for his wife.

The boats were amazing, the boat education was enlightening, and Steve and Lenna couldn't have been more gracious. Thanks for a fun afternoon.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/sets/72157650382956236/ Click on the link to see some of the boats, and some cute cow pictures at the county fair. Plus, I got to see (at the fair) Rhonda Vincent, the Queen of Bluegrass. She and her band could really pick and grin and sing.


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