
It's snowing today and the bird feeders were empty. T braved driving so we could go out and get some more seeds. It wasn't too tricky, but we're in for the rest of the day. I filled the feeders and stood outside for a bit watching the birds flock to the seed bounty. When I came in, a male cardinal stopped for few seconds outside the window on our Japanese maple tree by the patio. I grabbed my Nikon & long lens and  tried a few shots through the glass. I'm usually not happy with ones shot through the window, but the magnified red and his pose were quite snappy. Here he is in all his red feathered glory.

Kalle is having a great time in Reykjavik, he managed to find a "Lopapeysa", an Icelandic sweater at the Salvartion Army store for the price he wanted, exactly the color he was looking for. I wish we were there with him!

For the Record, 
This day came in with snow and with an expected turn to frozen rain.

All hands healing, a week without our big guy Maxy.

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