
By IntothewildMan

A Norfolk Pastoral

It has been a glorious, chill and almost cloudless day. I went to bed early last night, disheartened by the discovery that the pouring rain was finding its way through the roof and into the upstairs ceiling, in spite of last week's roof repairs.
It was good to wake to a new day and the Saturday papers. Later I got out for a bicycle ride with HL through the back lanes. The Norfolk countryside was looking wonderful in the early afternoon sun. On our return the men in khaki were out in their landrovers and four by fours, it must be the start of the shooting season. I don't really understand all that frenetic activity to blast confused and frightened birds only recently raised in captivity out of the sky. So it was head down and pedal for home. I found a number of anxious pheasants skulking in the garden and out in our meadow. They seem to have realised I am on their side.
Late afternoon I went for a stroll through Felbrigg Park - one of my favourite walks from the doorstep.
This little church, St Margarets,  was built in the fifteenth century and restored in Victorian times.

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