
By TBay


that where I am standing is dry. A year ago I would have been swimming and the only way to have travelled would have been by boat. Yes, I am standing on the Somerset levels looking out towards Burrow Mump which was last year almost an island . The dredging has taken place along the section of the Parrett near to the Mump and the banks have been rebuilt . It all looks so different to last year, although many home owners are still awaiting return to their homes. I hope that they never have another winter like it.

Mr Tbay and I attended a soup and pud lunch in aid Wells and Glastonbury YFC and the Macmillian fund. All very well organised and very nice food too. About £800 raised. Such a simple idea but it worked. On the way back we took a slight diversion to go through Burrow Bridge to see what it looks like now, hence the photo .

Farming - nil

Mr Tbay Jnr had a good day, as he sold his Landrover and managed to get all the nursery furniture needed at a vary large discount due a store closing down sale. Result!

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