A sunny day!

My "new" hyacinths are emerging, encouraged by all the wonderful sunshine today!
Some days are lovely days, but some are great just because problems are solved and tasks completed! Today was one of those!
It began with fresh and delicious groceries delivered onto my kitchen table just after breakfast, followed by a walk in the sunshine with Russet, my husband meanwhile making 7 cartons of his famous tomato soup!
More help with my printer problems from my long suffering son, and suddenly.........it worked!! So now my laptop and printer actually speak to each other!
We had an unusual (for us) dinner of the most tasty, very thick beef burgers with onions, mushrooms, peas and French fries, followed by the last piece of the Boxing Day Panetonne trifle from the freezer!
And a relaxing evening for the first time in a week.

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