Portrait of the Author

I've had a long involvement with Egypt since Sadat's assignation thirty four years ago until today, the fourth anniversary of the revolution.

Here I am in Midan Mesaha putting the final touches to the postscript of my book on Cairo.  I felt it appropriate to title this shot as I have and show me in the very seat where both the introduction and  postscript were written.  

The news is not great.    A thirty two year old women was shot dead just off Tahrir Square last night as she layed a wreath of flowers in memory of the martyrs of the revolution.   The square is closed today and fundamentalists march illegally - in terms of the President's Protest Law - through the streets elsewhere chanting loudly.  Many have their hands raised showing the four finger sign of sympathy with the banned Muslim Brotherhood and the victims of the Rabaa al-Adawiya massacre when over eight hundred protesters encamped at that mosque were killed by the security forces in August 2013.  Sixteen more have been killed between the east of the city and Alexandria in clashes with the police today.

We are keeping close to the apartment in case of further incidents.    The day is not over yet, but many say the revolution is.

The shot was taken by one of the waiters.

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