Devil's Burdens relay

Great day today, even though it started early and finished late.
9.30am Leg 1 of the relay for the club C team. Lost a bit of time as got confused about where I was at one point but fortunately the people behind made sure I went the right way and didn't miss the checkpoint. (I had studied the map beforehand but was further on than I thought!).
10.30am Ran back to the start with a friend who did leg 1 for the B team, making about 10miles running. stopped part way to get this photo, if I'd looked on the way out I would have been more sure off where I was (you can see runners on the track through the field)
12noon Had a wander round Falkland and then went to the start of Leg 4 to pick up bags and then to the finish.
The Devil's Burdens are a geological feature on the slopes of West Lomond (and there are various tales associated with the area) and the race goes past them. There are 4 legs, 2 for single runners and 2 for pairs, and the stages go up and then down the Lomonds, even leg 1 which doesn't go to the tops is quite hilly. Mr Rat was on leg 3 for the A team.
3.30pm Drove to Edinbutgh
5.30pm Meal - Christmas present from daughter
7.30pm Banff Mountain Film festival on tour - 3 hours of films with a mountain theme (One was scary to watch - mountain biking along the Cuillin Ridge in Skye) also courtesy daughter and family
12.05am Home
Blipcentral have finally sorted out the problem that stopped me blipping for the 16thJan

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