Rotweinwanderung Freinsheim

I've been to the first 2015 culinary event in the Vorderpfalz, the red wine hike in Freinsheim, about 65 km from here. Along with thousends of others we walked around in wintery vineyards, carrying red wine glasses with us, enjoying ourselves and the wine.
Every couple hundred meters a little tent or a booth to order more or have something good to eat to go with the wine.
So many people there, but not crowded at all - there were enough muddy paths for everybody (7 kilometers). 
After the first wine you don't care about the muddy paths anymore. I'm starting to like these events...took the train, of course.

Almost no snow left in Freinsheim - the closer you get to the Rhine river, the warmer it gets. 65 km and 4 degrees Celsius warmer - that's not bad, isn't it? Here we still have snow all over the place, in Freinsheim you had a few white spots.

On the photo my friend and I are enjoying the last sip of our wine, sitting on a bench (4°!) on one of the hills, watching people finding their way through the mud. Fantastic day!

19:45 CET -0,5°C

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