Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

A Place of Peace

What is it like to know that someone is preparing a place for you, a place of peace, where you can find contentment?  As Innkeepers, it seems impossible for Mr. Contraptioneer and I to just rent a house for the sake of bringing in the rent money.  It's a home, a place for peace and comfort, a place to share with others, a soft landing for a weary soul.  As we worked together, it felt like magic brewing, keen eyes bent on finding every little remnant of grime or grease that works it's way into the crevasses of refrigerator shelves or on top of a water heater.

We went to prepare a place where someone would call home.  And after 3 years of mucking out, painting, flooring, replacing windows, cabinets and clearing the yard, we are finally able to say that Mother Comfort's home will be a place of refuge for others, and we can't help but see it as something very special.

As I ponder the significance of our role in pouring our hearts into preparing a place for other people, I am reminded of the faith we have in the words of Jesus, the Christ, who promised us this: "In My Father's house, there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

So, I happen to believe Him, and I feel all special and amazing when I realize that He is working on an awesome, eternal dwelling place for me.  I know He cares for me at least as much as we care for our renters...and oh so much more than we are even able to comprehend. It feels like an honor to participate in this tiny concept of preparing a place for someone you care about, knowing that we have a Savior who is showing us how to love.

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