
By Ktd

Home again

After a very busy saturday, today I learnt that Honda don't make it quite as difficult to change headlight bulbs as I thought. One had gone so battery out of car, change bulb - oh no, the bulb kit I have isn't right for the car (its taken 8 years to find that out - whooops). Off to Halfords, two new bulbs. First one fits fine. The second one, well, you need to be double jointed or you need to move the coolant tank. It happened. Lights seemed fine in the day - in the dark, the one behind the coolant tank needed readjusting. Discovered an easier way to move the coolant tank - grrrr. Why don't they write that in the instructions? I would have enjoyed seeing Halfords struggle but it was more fun to attempt it myself!

The rest of the day was uneventful but I was glad the journey home along the M4 was uneventful.

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