Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Skateboard Antics

A very happy and productive day today. Took E and the girls out so she could practice her skateboard again. She loves it and is really cheery and self confident at the moment. Must, must, MUST get her some elbow and knee pads this week though. Either that or she's considering spending all her birthday money on sweets!

M has an incredibly short fuse usually, she explodes in a second over the tiniest thing but I've noticed a new calmer side to her recently. She played with L with enthusiasm, patience and a sense of responsibility today. A sign of things to come perhaps?

We've made our table plan board today. Although its risky to have completed it already, it's also nice that it means we can't make any changes. It looks good too. What I'm enjoying about our wedding plans is that we've personalised or hand made pretty much everything from invites, order of service, favours, cake toppers, table centres to the music playlist. It could be a total disaster, but if it is, it will be our own disaster rather than someone else's ;-)

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