Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa


After a very full on weekend, i started the day at 6.50 with Rhona to find I had forgotten to buy milk and bread on my way home. Managed to scrape together some dry cereal and a couple of frubes each for breakfast although Euan ate his on the way to nursery as I let him sleep til 8.20!

Rhona was quite grumpy and wanted carried to nursery. She didn't want off my back when we got home either so the photo is of her where I sat her to remove the carrier. I carried her along to playgroup where I left her with just a wee quiver of her bottom lip and a massive hug. I came home to do very little then walked back to get her two hours later. She was sat patiently waiting with a pile of about 10 pictures from last week. Carried her back with a flying visit to asda to get bread and milk then we hurried and got Euan from nursery. Lunch then nap for Rhona, ipad for Euan since I forgot to take it over the weekend and that's normally the only time he gets to play it, and a doze in the sofa for me. Quick visit to the Greats and home for tea.

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