Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Downy Detail

I moved the suet feeder from the tree in the front yard to the frame of my kitchen window several days ago.  I'd seen no activity at all and figured I'd move it back when the weather cleared up.  

This evening, my cats were chattering up a storm and when I looked, this Downy was sitting on the window sill pecking away at the feeder.  I got down on the floor and crawled to the other side of the room (so I wouldn't spook the bird) and grabbed my camera.  Then crawled back and slowly raised my camera until it was level with the window and fired off five shots.  I moved the camera just a bit to get a different angle but that movement was enough to drive him off.  

Distance from the end of the lens to the bird: ~7 inches/~18cm

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