One Day Like This...

By LicentiousLib


I love Ivy. Good old Hedera helix. It's so underrated.

Most people just see it as a boring green cover-all. That's the juvenile form. Once it gets older it gets woody, arboreal. The shape of the leaves changes (not that you can see that in this pic) but then you get these stunning fruits.

I can feel some Ivy jewellery coming on. Some lovely sterling silver wire with nice dark, glossy glass enamel ends.
Hmmm ... I need to develop this thought.

On another note - sadly I have to mourn the loss of some wonderful Ivy growing up the front of my house. My house is getting roughcasted and I've been told that the Ivy has to come off. Sigh.... I'll cut it carefully at the base and it should grow again, rejuvinated with a new lease of life.

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