Local Windmill, Goischalkxoort

A difficult name; based on the colloquial pronunciation of 'godschalk', the meaning of which escapes me at the moment.

Deliberately absented myself from what apparently turned out to be a boring 'seminar' morning during which the 'boss' expressed his disappointment at the results of the general evaluation, where he and his co-boss(ess) scored horrifyingly but not really surprisingly low.  I did not fill in the online feedback form, and I'm thankful I did not.  It's always the same with managers at schools -- very often they have a terrifically spotless management diploma from somewhere but absolutely no background in education.  How they get hired is a puzzle and happily I'm exempt from solving it.

Anyway, the short of it is -- I picked up my exam papers, sorted out a couple of issues, then went back home.

As you can see, it's been a sunny day!

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