
By covet


I've put my obsession with reclaimed pallets aside, temporarily, while I focus on scaffolding. Rather fortuitously today I found some. I do believe that to remove these glorious boards from the pavement would have been crossing into criminality, but I really was delighted to find this beautiful stack in Edinburgh. I stopped and admired them in the dark and in the rain, while I reviewed my options with glee. Fortunately for these boards I was caught red handed, by a friend, which was a fairly tricky situation to explain. He doesn't know that I have spent months taking sly shots of abandoned pallets lying by the roadside, tempting me, nor that we have thoroughly researched where second hand, reclaimed scaffold planks can be acquired. I just loved finding these ones on the street today when they have been the primary topic of discussion in our household for a couple of weeks now. So these pavement dwellers are safe from me, I know I must go further afield for my horde of boards. I can't wait.

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