Simply Me

By Suze981

Running in the snow

I am a cold weather runner. For me, the colder, the better. The summer months are tortuous for me (yes even in Scotland) but running in the snow is one of my favourite things to do. Ever.

So I went to bed last night excited that today might be my chance. We haven't seen much snow in Edinburgh this year and it hasn't laid much. I looked out of the window early this morning and there was no snow on the street, but the cars were covered.

I dressed in about 2 minutes and rushed out to the Park. If anywhere was to have any good snow it was Arthur's Seat! Cue a hilly, snowy delightful run! Surprisingly I was the only runner out this morning though...

Was it sensible to go up on the hills in the dark and snow? No. Did I care? No. Was it worth it? You're goddamn right it was. This has made my day already and it's only 7.30am!


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