My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Oi, Baddiel!

Had a trip out to see Mark Watson tonight, although Laura nearly didn't make it as she's not finished her presentation -for Saturday- yet.

It was a good show, possibly not quite as good as the last time I saw him, and it was a bit darker too.  But he was still good in his rambling, is this about to all fall apart? way.
I was a bit freaked out though when he started talking about stalking his audience...Jake, who's an Everton fan and tweeted that he was about to see Mark Watson.  I think the last time I even looked at my twitter account may have been the last tour.

One thing Mark Watson tends to do is to is something/anything as he's waiting for the venue to fill up.  Whether that's using a lap top and projector to talk about people coming in late or, as last night, jogging on a treadmill talking about the irritating people in the middle of the row who come in last.  It's like a personal welcome.

The title comes from a joke where he's mistaken for David Baddiel.

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