Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


...with Liquorice Allsorts....bored? moi?
After a few failed attempts I did get bored and gave up and ate them all, yes...all of them.
Apparently eating too much black liquorice, if you are over 40, can be bad for you.  It contains Glycyrrhizin, which can cause the Potassium levels to fall, which can lead to abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, oedema, lethargy and heart failure!! Bertie Basset is not such a nice guy after all!!   I'm now thinking to back to Italy in the Summer, when I consumed VAST quantities of the stuff - Italians make very good liquorice!! However...I survived!
The snow came, just enough to make it all white and pretty outside, not so much that there is disruption.  And school is most definitely IN!
My new knitting needles arrived so Woolly Socks for the Antarctic #2 are under way.  I do like the idea of my knitting going so far away!



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