Last Minute Break

Had been working steadily here at home since late morning.  Thought first that I might leave the house to take some shots since the sky was blue, but there was no time.  And then it drizzled, then rained hailstones and then turned blue again, and still I wasn't finished with the reader.  Finally, at about 16.30 I thought I'd take a break.  I had to get some staples anyway, so why not take shots on the way like I often do.  I took the very very long way to the supermarket, including a leisurely drive on the polders of Halderberge and caught the beginning of the sunset.

Now, it's almost 1 a.m.  I've not only finished the reader, I've already mailed it to the English group and hope I'll get comments and reactions and corrections tomorrow and early next week.

As for the other things, my arms seem to be reacting well to Ibuprofen -- slept relatively well last night and woke up with better humour.  Am two-thirds done with Rudyard Kipling's Kim.  Dishes done, laundry drying in the attic, vacuumed in the attic as well.

THANKS for being patient with my lack of comments.  It has been busy and tiring and painful all at the same time.  Don't worry, though ... hubby makes sure I eat and laugh.

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