
By RMurang


Trekking on Wheels

Our photo club's trip to Eeshing Thingbi natural water reservoir mimicking a mini lake surrounded on all sides by mountains and hills turns out to be a sort of smotor rally up in rough terrain deep within the river basin. All the six vehicles comprising of one SUV and five cars received serious damages in the river tract where literally we had to pave tracts for the wheels by spades.

The continuation of the trake by foot was hot under the summer sun and all the liquids in the world couldn't quinch our thirst. However, reaching the lake diminishes all the exhaustion. Gather firewoods and cook our foods comprising of rice, chicken curry, iromba of plantain garnished with tunikok+phakpai+coriander, dal, stew of potato+french beans+onions+away phadigom+spring onions, fried french beans+potato+onions+away phadigom+spring onions garnished with coriander, steamed potato and mashed with salt+onion+fermented fish, boiled peruk(ginseng like green herbs)+cabbage+french beans which soup we consumed in aplenty and a lot of drinks.

Activities include planting of plings in celebration of world environment day with a message to preserve such natural water reservoir by preventing erosion of the surrounding hills during rainy season and thereby making the lake shallower and shallower every season and ultimately the demise of it one day.

Overall, the trip was a near success save for a mishap of our vehicle on the return way out in the river basin. It was pushed out and then hauled. Reaching base camp was near midnight!

The real change since our last trip here was the clearance of the atmosphere by the rains and the natural vivid colours of the landscape coming back for us to enjoy once more.

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