My Life in A&E

By gilvratina

After a rather early dash down to the tram, we were treated to the new security set-up at Edinburgh Airport. It was particularly weird because you go up the escalator and then turn completely the opposite way from before. I dare say it won't be as weird the next time.

There was a lot of waiting and being told to do things with the plastic containers you put your stuff in, including taking it to a separate area to empty it and then being expected to take it back over to the where the conveyer belt thing is. Biggs lost a boot in the x-Ray machine and some other guy's stuff just didn't come out at all.

My stuff got searched due to the cupcakes-in-a-jar I snaffled from L&C's wedding. The woman had never heard of such a thing, but when I explained and showed her that one was batten-burg and the other was chocolate, she seemed to accept that they were really cakes...and not bombs or the like. Phew.

We, charitably perhaps, decided to attribute all this to "teething problems".

Flight was good and it was a nice surprise to discover e-passport machines in Munich, which take a lovely black and white picture of you (as long as you have placed your passport at exactly the correct angle in the reader for about 10 minutes).

Afghan stew followed by beer in the pub, the window of which can be seen in this picture.

It's good to be back and I am very happy that tomorrow is a public holiday!

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