Coachwood Glen

It's a glorious day in the Blue Mountains today and after our early morning walk we decided to head down to the Megalong Valley to our favourite Tea Rooms for "Brekkie".  On the way home we stopped off at Coachwood Glen.  I have to confess in all the times I've been into the Megalong I have never stopped there before.

It's the most beautiful glen with vibrant almost iridescent ferns and moss covered boulders.  We made our way down to the stream and the waterfalls and came across this lovely rock pool.  Next time I'll make sure I've got my tripod with me as it would be a fantastic location to practise long exposures.

New Zealand Memories 2

Brought back memories of the Milford Track in places so here's my second image from the Track in 1992.  Polar Fleece wasn't on the market back then and our packs were weighed down with woolen jumpers and heavy raincoats.  By the time I did it again in 1994 we were carrying packs kilos lighter because of the new thermal and polar fleece clothing.

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