
By LeGreveKarjala

The Cats in Action

I am always featuring Mar-Mar the cat, so
I thought it time that Sarabella enters the fray.

Sarabella is the elderly cat.  She is seventeen
years old, and sleeps a lot.  Mar-Mar, the lordly
cat, thinks he has the right to mount Sarabella
when the mood strikes.  He has had surgery to
prevent this action, but his main role in life
is being as "male" as he can.  Sarabella is not
very tolerant of this activity, so there is a lot of
growling on Sara's part.  When I can, I join in
and chase Mar-Mar down the basement stairs;
Sara and I are a team!  This photo shows a little
sparring in a more playful manner, however. ;=]

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