
By Purplefairy

Fun in the snow.x

Up around 9 this am. Breakfast then off to Tesco's. Shopping done and went into town for a few things. Home for lunch then off out with Sally, cameras, Trixie and Tanya in the snow.
Up to Minera to the lead mines for a walk. Slippy down the steps, but Sally was the only one who slipped!
Then onto Llangollen and up the Horseshoe Pass. Even though it said closed!!
Bitterly cold up there at least minus 4.
Had a walk and took a few photos while Sally Trixie sat in the car.
Then down to look at all the snowdrops in Llantysillio.
Back to Tanyas for a coffee while Trixie and Sally played. Home and chilling out.x

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