The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Speed of Light

Two things that you think will always be around: your youth and your status as a 'new mum'. But unfortunately all of these things come to pass. That title of new mum gets whipped off you so fast and passed onto the next ones waiting in line. Leaving you to pick up the title of 'not so new mum who defied the speed of light to get here'.

This is how mummy felt at bookbug today when a line of new mummies and their tiny babies sat across from us. That used to be us she said to me. But I couldn't hear her as I was off tormenting the bookbug lady and pulling a leg off the cuddly spider.

Of all the new skills mummy thought she would learn as a new mum, there are some that didn't cross her mind. Like becoming an expert in water-temperature gauging. Every night mummy competes with the thermostat Hippo to guess the temperature of my bath. She feels a disproportionate sense of achievement when she guesses it right!

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