Post Card from the Catlins

A back blip from our trip down south. 

After spending two nights in Dunedin we made our way to Invercargill taking the scenic route through the Catlins area. I had only been in the area once and it rained the hole time .. so it was great to get a good day. Would be such a wonderful place to stop for a few days or more!

The Catlins is an area of great contrasts and natural beauty with an abundance of wildlife. From magnificent coastal cliffs and headlands, long sweeping beaches, coves and sandy bays; to extensive temperate rainforests, waterfalls and rolling farmland, the Catlins is a fascinating, rugged place “off the beaten track.”

The shot of little white Church is at Waikawa. I took a look inside and it was lovely. The Top Left is the Purakaunui Falls because of the dry weather they had been having there wasn't a lot of water.. they must be spectacular when there has been a lot of rain. The falls are an iconic image for The Catlins region, and were featured on a New Zealand postage stamp in 1976.

The two shots in the middle on both sides were taken on our drive along the coast to get to Waikawa. And the other three shots were taken at Curio Bay. It was interesting looking around there and seeing the fossilised remains of an ancient forest which is exposed during low tide.

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