Tarawera Times

By Megl

Mono Monday - Spirit

Interesting theme, started off with some whiskey in a crystal glass but that didn't work .. ( and no I haven't drunk it...yet!) Then thought of Clearwater SPIRIT, a luxury launch that cruises Lake Tarawera, and is tied up on a jetty in our bay.
As you can see there are heavy clouds around, rain this morning and showers all afternoon, do hope you South Islanders are getting some too.

I have had a day inside. It's our Camera Club's AGM on Wednesday and my last as President, so trying to get organised and write my report early, not a favourite job, would rather be playing with photos from the few days I had away photographing the Kaimanawa Horses...but there will be time for that soon.

And thanks to Joanneinoz who is hosting this challenge for February.

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