
By Knottman2

Like a duck out of water.

I had read in a bird guide that Moorhens could climb trees. But I had always found it hard to believe until today when I saw it with my own eyes and recorded it for Knottman family posterity.

They always look a bit jerky and ungainly on the ground. But clearly they have hidden talents. Apparently they can roost in trees and can also cling on to vegetation under water if threatened.
P.S. On my Fungi blip of two days ago. I am told that the black spikes showing through the moss are what is left of last season's Candlesnuff Fungus. This is Xylaria like Dead Man's Fingers but the latter are much more robust.. They are not Earth Tongues as they grow on the ground and not on wood.
The White fungus may be something other than Turkey Tails and more investigation is taking place.
I am told that the picture also shows a little honey fungus. So three for the price of one.

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