Thank you for your warming comments!

Fortunately i never end to feel touched and glad for the comments from you lovely people. Thank you so much!

EB, a dear friend of mine took me to Ikea and to the camera doctor. I am a bit snobbish as to Ikea furniture, but the one I bought today costs 50 euro to be compared with the planned one for 500 euro. Travel to the sun in March changed the priority. Love my flexibility, sometimes!
My 6d bought last year, has a steering wheel that only works to the right and not left. Often I am too lazy to go back, but this was an investment" and it is not the same feeling to work with a camera that has some things that dont work. Feels old when it actually is old.
Thing is that I dont own a car anymore. Works fine mostly inStockholm where transport system is excellent.
Looks too tidy and empty in my living room. Tomorrow I will have little E here and that is life and movement.

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