
By Aynil


A very very busy day…

Had a walk in our common garden for my pains in my legs. Took this capture.

My sister-in-law had a serious operation this morning. I visited her in the hospital.

I went to my parent's home and we had dinner there.

I popped up one of my friends daughter's birthday party.

My husband's uncle had a serious operation. ( He has cancer in his lungs.) I visited him in ( another ) hospital.

I went to a shopping mall and did some shopping for Sude Naz.

I went to the market and did some shopping for kitchen.

Prepared dinner and cleaned the kitchen.

Feel exhausted now…. Do forgive me for my being lack of comments… I will do my best with them as long as I can stay awake…

SO many thanks for your lovely comments and stars for my favourite spot in our garden and for the nice comments for my other backblips… So kind of you!

Have a great Tuesday tomorrow, my dear friends! xx

Ps : I am still unable to upload a picture from my iphone to Blipfoto……. :-(


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