October 4th Journal


The Smallest Currency in the World

and used by the fewest peoples is the Icelandic "krona" as one dollar is Icl.kr. 127,50 - Before the crash in 2008 it was ca. Icl.kr. 60,00

We bought back our flat in 2002 and on TV tonight was an astonishing calculation about money, that is Icelandic krona v.s. the Euro.

If we had taken a 20 million Icl.kr. loan on our flat, we would have paid back ca. 10 millions all ready and owe 31 millions because of the price-increasing compensation.
If the loan had been in Euros we would have paid back ca. 9 millions and owe ca. 16 millions - The difference is 15 millions in dept.

So it would have been better for us to use The Disney Dollar as it is used by more people than the Icelandic krona!

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