CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Remembering our special Day

A bright but chilly day.

I decided to take part in Blip's remembering our Big Moment. It is almost 49 years since we were married in 1966. So much has happened since then - four children, nine grandchildren at the last count. We have lived in Scotland, England, Wales and now retired in Dundee, Scotland. We certainly look older and are not as slim as we were but we are still passionate about one another and our God.

We have had many health issues over the years, worked together in ministry and sometimes separately as Eleanor had her own career. As I said in the Big Day blip - if I had known then what I know now about how amazing my wife has been, I would have been even more excited about our future life together.

The 'lucky cat' which Eleanor is holding was presented to her by the boys of the Lifeboy group (young Boy's Brigade) where Eleanor was a Leader.  They also formed a Guard of Honour on the big Day.

If you want to have a look at our slimline selves on our happy day see here.

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