there’s snow business like snow business…

An inch or two of snow changes everything.  I get a call from my gym - today’s session is cancelled because the carpark and footpath have not been gritted.  As we’re ‘vulnerable' they don’t want to take any risks.

Anniemay, who is not vulnerable, glided successfully up the road to her gym session and so I’m home alone.  I set up my indoor bike, put ‘Yo Frankie’ by Dion on the CD player and pedal away for half an hour.  

I love it.  Partly because I built the bike myself and it’s just such a good fit, but also because in my head I can be anywhere I like.  Pounding down a sunny lane in the middle of France, far away from the snow and cold.

Dion is belting his heart out in excess of 120bpm which in turn means my average speed is higher than usual.  Which is good …. in a way.  It’s hard work.  Which is also good …. in a way.  

Anniemay used to be an aerobics instructor (you can just imagine that can’t you) and she’s very good at putting together songs with differing tempos on the iPod for this very purpose.  So I commission a new set for my next bike ride.  When she’s not off galavanting of course ….

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