I shouldn't have......

.....but I did! Spent money on the 'necessities' of life. Wine is always a necessity to me! Just a glass or three every now and again keeps one sane. Sometimes I don't have one at all, but not often. The box is not the wine I bought but I just loved the jaunty design on it.

Had an interesting stand off with a chap in a transit tipper when we were coming home this afternoon! Coming down the hill into the village, he was steaming up and we met. He was no more that 2 yards from a gateway but decided to refuse to back up....so I just sat there and waited. I would have had to reverse back up the hill quite a way to find a space. He was furious but after about 5 minutes and some intervention from one of the cars behind him .....he went back. Literally 2 yards, then I could move forward and everyone could go past. Result!

I'll need that wine tonight.

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