Friday Foto

By drmackem

Shooting Hut

If I ever wonder why I run, then I just need to check out some of my photos from my run on the moor.
Todays wandersome effort was a bit treacherous at time with more ice than a sensible person should encounter late in the day on his own, but staying in wasn't going to be good for me either. A lovely head clearing, life refocusing, getting slightly lost in the snow kinda run.
In the photo is the shooting hut. I've become a bit more sure of my position regarding grouse shooting on the moor of recent years and I'm against it. Partly to do with the shooting animals for the fun of it reason and partly as I'm not convinced that the so called land management/preservation argument holds up. The protection of these moors for grouse and sheep I'm sure reduces diversity. It's complex I know. 
The local council will be reviewing the grouse issue in coming days, I'm off now to politely ask them to stop it.

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