
By SeaGypsy49


There is a clump of white Agapanthus growing on the road side, just down the road from us. If I am walking back along the road, from where we park the loader for the boat, I pass them.
I tried stalking the Caspian Terns on the beach, but they weren't letting me get very close at all. So the Apapanthus, with a bit of playing around to the image, it is.
The news reports of the fires down by Christchurch isn't good, with houses being destroyed. The strong winds that were forecast for the Sounds haven't arrive, thankfully. We got a Civil Defence warning that winds of 130kn/ph were going to come through.
This is my 600th blip, not sure if it gets 'announced' anymore or not. But as I have missed a lot of days, maybe it doesn't count.
Thanks to all who comment and follow my journal. I find it fascinating to follow other blippers from nearby and around the world. Makes the world a very small place.

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