
By LuceoNonUro


My boy is five years old today!

I know every parent says this but I can hardly believe how fast this time has passed.

We went on a trip to Edinburgh along with his Daddy. He opened his presents in the park at 12.44, which was the time he was born. This was not actually the plan but it worked out well and because the weather was so nice - (finally!) - it made it feel special.

He got books and a DVD. He can read really well already, I'm so pleased he's got the reading bug - you're never alone when you have a book, as my dad used to say.
He even reads in bed at night before going to sleep which is a great habit to get in to. I hear him reading aloud at night - it is so cute - I just want to eat his wee cheeks up.

You may sense that I'm very very proud of him :) - he is such a sweet and sensitive and thoughtful and curious and funny child - I am slightly biased of course.

Still, he's the most amazing 'thing' I have accomplished in my whole life and I find it difficult to withold the lavish praise :)

Happy Birthday Felix XxXxX

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