In Between Days

By jase


We got a Kobo and its really good. I've always taken the view that real books are better and they are also around the same price so why bother. But we thought we'd give it a go. Bigger text is great and if at the end of the day we read more then its worth it. It's also a gadget! Why Kobo and not Kindle? Well it's cheaper yes but mainly because you are not tied to one dominant company (The same one that pays hardly any tax in the UK). There's an app for the iPad too which is good (Boo to Apple too though for demanding 30% cut of all books bought in the Kobo app resulting in removal of the ability to shop in the Kobo store in the app).

So far so good!

The end of Alana's SATs! She did really well and we have told her that as long as she tries her best we will be happy. Its funny how all this year is geared towards this week. Her attitude has been brilliant. As a treat we had a take away curry. We all chose one each and Alana and me went to pick it up. Very nice it was.

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