Hearts on Fire.

Work was cancelled this morning so I had a chance to sit all snugged up on the sofa and catch up with all my reports and time sheets done. Trouble was, Mr W was in bed as he worked last night and the heating went off at 11 and guess where the boiler is???!!!!

So, I lit the fire. As I popped a log into the burner, this bit of bark fell off the log! Now if that isn't Heart shaped then I don't know what is!!! So I just had to blip it!!!

Mr W has now gone off to Brighton Hospital for a cardio check as the DVLA won't renew his lorry licence till he can prove he isn't going to drop down dead from the pressure of driving a truck!!!!

Then we are off to Tesco for our weekly shop (boring) and my purchase of a juicer. And maybe a food processor!!!


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