
We've spent most of today on a "Sunset Island Cruise". It may be called sunset, but it actually leaves late morning, but returns about 2 hours after sunset.
It was a fabulous day out, and if ever you're in this part of the world, the boat was called the Pla Luang, and is owned and operated by an Aussie. 
This is Poda Island, and is one of the karst outcrops (one of the "James Bond islands"). 
We could, if we wished, swim to the shore and then clamber up a rope ladder to the rock, then on and up further and further to whatever point we wanted to jump from. I stayed on the boat and took photos!
The body that you can see rapidly accelerating here is a Dutch girl.  When she arrived back on the boat, she admitted to having almost lost her bikini in this jump, but also said that she wished Holland wasn't so flat as she'd like to do more of this. 
All of these climbers were on our boat - there were about 20 of us in total.  Some of the crew lads (Aussie and Argentinian) free climbed about twice this height soon after. This is supposed to be one of the best places to free climb if that's what rocks your boat. I prefer to stay IN the boat.
Probably best viewed LARGE - You may see the bikini falling off!
I've just published this under Nikonabike instaed of Coffeepotter  but Blip won't let me delete it from Nikonabike. He's now fast asleep so I shall have to own up tomorrow!

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