Little Grebe?

On a cold and windy day it was mixed sightings. On my way home I stopped at a place and saw everyone looking up - it was a kite soaring low so I fumbled for my camera and jumped out to see that the kite was flying off but it had raised a short eared owl into the blue sky but there was a screeching noise from the dyke where I was standing that me and another fellow couldn't understand. A stoat then came out of the reeds chasing a mouse!!!  Another chap came over and said there are TWO kingfishers just further along. Finally on the way home I saw a Muntjac no bigger than a spaniel in a field. The owl was too far for my lens, the stoat was faster than my AF and I couldn't stop on the A47 for a pic of the muntjac but I hope you like this pic anyway.:-))

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