How fabulous is this???

Have you ever seen anything as fabulous as this?  ……………A 'dog bathing area'?!

Today was beautiful and sunny and Ann had the whole day off work, so she said, ‘Molly, my friend & I are going to take you for a long walk in a new place.  Would you like that?’

Obviously I liked that, so I was at the front door before Ann had the chance to settle down in front of ‘Jeremy Kyle’ put her coat on.

We did a circular walk today and at the start of our walk we came across this sign.  I’ve never, ever, seen a sign advertising a ‘dog bathing area’ before.  Ann was really, really,  happy.  She said, ‘Molly, our walk will end here, so before you get back into the car you can have a splish, splosh, splash here.’

We’ve been out all day and had a lovely time.  However, there was a problem with my walk today………………….. I’ve had to walk 5.3 miles on my lead.

The first part of the walk was along the riverbank but there was a sign saying doggies had to be kept on their leads because every time they went in and out of the water the river bank got a bit more eroded????  Never heard that one before?

Then we walked through some fields that were full of sheep.  I can’t be trusted not to go chasing, so I had to stay on my lead.

And then we walked along some country lanes and there were a few cars about so I had to stay on my lead.

………………..And do you know what happened at lunchtime?  ………………..Ann & her friend decided to have lunch in a nursery garden café and I wasn’t allowed in……  So they tied me to a picnic table and went in anyway.  They sat at a window table where they could see what I was doing but I didn’t know that, because when Ann leaves me I just stare at where she’s gone until she comes back.  Loads of old ladies & little toddlers came to say hello to me so I had lots of fuss made of me.  But when Ann finished lunch & came back to me I didn’t greet her enthusiastically ‘cos I wanted her to feel guilty about leaving me for so long.

And then, do you know what happened when we finished our walk?............................  Because I’d been on my lead the whole time, I hadn’t managed to get dirty.  So Ann said, ‘Molly, you don’t need to go in the ‘dog bathing area’ because you’ve been a really good girl and have managed to stay lovely & clean.’

In all honesty, I’ve had a lovely day out today, but the next time I get taken for a walk in a new place I’d prefer it if:

I’m allowed off my lead, I’m allowed to go splish, splosh, splashing in water  AND  I’m allowed to join the humans for lunch???!!!

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