The Kindness Of Strangers

Some of you will know what was in this box. I couldn't have been more surprised!

I wrote an advertising piece for a pet food company last Wednesday. I was paid by their PR firm. I may have told you the brand themselves got in touch at the weekend as they were pleased and wanted to send Stella a couple of healthy treats to say thank you and to help her feel better. 

Got home yesterday to a Parcel Force missed you card. I was expecting to collect a small package with some fishy treats in. They always ask at the post office what you think you're collecting so they know where to look. Good job Parcel Force things are separate as I told them it probably wasn't very big but only the regular postman knows my safe place for parcels. 

I doubt this would've fitted in my safe place! People's generosity is flipping amazing at times. The only thing I doubt we'll use is some bubblegum scented shampoo; Stella prefers the rhubarb & custard scented Scruffy Chops one if she absolutely has to have a wash! There's a tea tree one in their too which will soothe any itching as and when the tumour grows and feels irritating to her.

The fishy treats were in there too plus a big tub of chicken feet (one of those already got a paws up!) and a dried herb mix. I sprinkle a pinch on her dinner and there's lots of naturally healthy bits and pieces in it. Have to admit, it smelt divine! 

I got dust in my eyes again! ;) 

Edited as forgot to mention herself wrote the blog today x

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