My Snuggle Buddy!

It is always good to have a snuggle buddy when you are sick and trying to rest.  When Moira saw me lying on the couch with my box of tissues, cup of hot tea and blanket, she hopped right up to comfort me.  Moira had to share the couch with Fiona who was the first one to snuggle with me.  It was sweet to have her ask me several times if I was feeling better.   She even brought a stuffed animal to share since I was sick. Although it never left her arms to my arms!!!  She thought it best if she held the little dog.  Too Cute!  It is always hard for me to cancel my responsibilities and lie around being sick.  Particularly since Wednesdays is one of my favorite days with Bible Study Fellowship in the morning and music rehearsals in the afternoon. Hopefully with all this rest, I will be up and about quickly.

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