Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Ben More and Stob Binnien

..... from An Caisteal 

With the weather looking a bit ropey towards he Cairngorms I decided to bail out of the clubs Feshiebridge meet as the weather down south was meant to be far better.

So six of us from the club fired up to Crianlarich and headed up An Caisteal. Ice and crampons were quickly out and the top was reach reasonably quickly with very light wind, brilliant sunshine and biting cold. After a quick lunch we went down to the bealach between the summit and Beinn a'Chroin and three decided to go down whilst the other three(including me) took a ropey looking line up to the summit ridge. A few tottering moves on the front points and some iced up sections on steps and we were up.  Nice descent down and a longish walk out on ground that was mercifully frozen as I've bog snorkelled my way up that glen a few times.

Quite excellent day out though my face and lips are screaming out "where was the sun protection!!"

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