
By TheBigCheese1


Opened my photos to decide what to blip and saw this taken yesterday.

My confusion comes from...

1. I don't remember taking it!
2. My phone was charging so I was obviously in bed and on my iPad, not my phone.
3. I have no idea how to take a screen shot like this.
4. I definitely didn't photograph my phone with my iPad.
5. WHY would I take a photo of the lock screen of my phone?!

Ho, hum.

I've only just got in from work. Been in a school building for 14 hours - too long. The photo mystery will always be a mystery as I am too tired and just CBA to work it out!

Nighty night peeps.

P.S. Just realised it is off my ipad, not phone. I still don't know where it has come from!

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