Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Alfresco Dining.....

Well, why not? We have to make the most of the beautiful weather while it's here!

This morning was a tough one. Ruby was extremely emotional at Twins at Totstime. It's becoming a bit of a habit for her on a Monday morning, to cry over the slightest things (more often a biscuit). It could just be that she's coming down with something, or that she's tired from the weekend or that she's emotional and needs the cuddles. However, on the upside, we had 18 multiple mummy's at our Twins at Totstime play session today!! :o)

Ashleigh's reflux is still quite bad, I had to change my top twice this morning! The doctor has suggested to try another medicine, so fingers crossed that one works.

The girls have had a lovely afternoon/evening playing in the garden. We did bubble blowing before dinner and football with Daddy after dinner.

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